
Sunday, January 13, 2008

Mmmmm...I love football just as much as pizza and ice cream...

I have a confession to make - I LOVE FOOTBALL. And, believe it or not, I really only watch the pro-football teams rather than college (even though I live in Texas). I do regularly cheer for Texas and Boston College (BC), and occasionally Michigan State and Michigan. I grew up in the Northeast, and the only rankable school out there has been BC, so everybody always focused on the pro sports. I am a die-hard Patriots fan (yeah, they won last night!), and my #2 team is the NY Giants (hope they cream the Cowboys today!). I cheer for the Giants because they have summer camp where I did my grad degree (graduated 04) and it's amazing just to see players out-and-about in the city. I even got to experience being on the practice field with them, so yes, they have a special place in my heart.

I was definitely good this football season, watching most of the games at the gym because my football junkie friends were busy supporting friends and family members who were on football teams (again, I live in Texas). Now that college ball is over, we've been going out to watch the games, which means I have splurged a little the past couple of weekends. I had some jalepeno poppers and two vodka and diet coke's last night while watching the Patriots, and today we're heading to a sports bar to watch the Cowboys (lose). I'm planning on getting a salad, but passing up beer while watching a football game is going to be super duper hard. The two seem to go hand-in-hand. Actually, I think it's the environment that makes me want to drink. I feel guilty taking up space at a bar and not having a drink because that's less tip money for the bartender. I used to be a waitress and I hated having tables that would sit there forever and not leave a good tip. I guess I could tip for drinking water... I don't know, thoughts?


Hanlie said...

Mmm, that's a tough one! I know exactly where you're coming from, because I used to have a pub lifestyle before meeting my husband. I lived in a tiny flatlet in someone's backyard, so my social life happened in the pub. I gained about 40 pounds in that time of my life. It's hard when you're single and sociable.

You could have white wine and soda water, or sparkling water with a slice of lemon. After every alcoholic drink, sip on a glass of water. No-one will really notice. And you can still tip the bartender or waitron.

Alcohol is really a no-no when it comes to weight loss, since it upsets the endocrine system, which controls amongst other things our metabolism and our weight. Furthermore, people tend to get a bit reckless with their food consumption when they're drinking.

I hope you have great fun and find a solution that works for you!

Heather said...

I wish I had some good suggestions, but unfortunately I feel the same way! Im not a huge sports fan, but I do like going out to the bar, and you are completely right! it is the environment. the fried food, the beer, etc. its hard to stay away from or just eat a salad and have some water. just do your best and make the best choices you can. try to enjoy the situation more than what you are eating.

Wendi said...

I'm glad your pleased with your team, me, living in Jacksonville, i'm not to happy. But, i have to admit that the patriots did play a good game and deserve to be where they are right now. Football season is over for me, so so sad.

Anonymous said...

When my sisters and I go out, and hang around and talk at restaurants, we always tell the waitress/waiter when we sit down that we may be there for awhile but that we are good tippers - this usually gets a laugh but they don't try to rush us out. And, we always follow through with great tips.

Thanks for stopping by my blog today and helping me through a rough spot. It's much appreciated!