
Saturday, July 07, 2007

Heidi Hype

My cousin Heidi has been an inspiration to me. Not only has she lost over 100 pounds, but she is trying to motivate and educate people across the nation through Heidi Hype. I got to see her when I went to DC in April for work; she looked amazing and was so happy. It was good to catch up with her. We both were in near tears as we talked about our battles to lose weight in a TGI Fridays.

Due to her weight loss success and inspring story, her application to do Extreme Makeover was accepted. Her episode will air tomorrow, July 9th on ABC at 9pm Eastern Time. I am extremely proud of her accomplishment.

In the can be done. People can lose weight if they choose to. I can lose weight if I choose to. This blog and all of y'all are my accountability factors and support. That is the one thing I lost when I moved to Texas is my support system, so I'm looking to build that back up. Thank you for reading and participating!

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