
Saturday, March 17, 2012

Uganda in June, Part 2

Ecclesiastes 5:4:  "When you make a vow to God, do not delay in fulfilling it."

August 17, 2009

Church service was excellent yesterday.  We arrived while they were doing bible study, and we were greeted warmly with a high screech from one of the elder ladies.  The bible study was on us being sinners, and Erika preached about confession.  A Capella worship occurred with a single drum, the villagers danced for us, and guest attendees gave their testimonies.  We introduced ourselves, Erika gave her sermon, tithing happened, and we sang for them.  Pastor Moses had two major prayer requests for us:  to end the famine and stop the spread of AIDS.  I talked to Pastor Moses about the doctor and he mentioned going to visit with him to see where his walk with the Lord stood.  It's all up to God now.  We were given African names at the church.  Mine is Musoga; I am the sister of the screeching elder woman.  I think I touched her when I called them my second family.  Pastor Moses also shared a verse with us:
Colossians 3:1-5:  Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.  Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.  For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God.  When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.  Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry.

Pastor Moses is going to be sponsored soon, what a blessing!  Below is a photo of Pastor Moses and his wife.


Tomorrow our mission team meets for the first time; I'm excited to see our dynamic and learn what we will be working on.  So far, all I know is that it will be orphan care and construction.  I did go to the travel clinic this week and got my tetanus and pertussis shots; they also wrote me a prescription for my malaria pills and diarrhea medication (a just in case).  Last trip, pepto-bismol worked fine for any stomach issues that occurred. Do any readers know of any organizations that take unused prescription drugs?  A friend asked me this question, and I wasn't quite sure of an answer.

I definitely need you to continue praying for me and my team members.  I had a couple of incidences yesterday in which I believe the devil could be at work.  Luckily, I know God will come through and I will move forward; everything will work out. I also hope to have an update soon on the support raising.  As I mentioned in my previous post, the trip costs $2,500 to go, and I'm looking for a team stateside to support me through prayer and financial means.  Any support is tax deductible and you can send it online:  You will need to sign in, if it asks you for which campus, please check "Four Points," and please make sure you put in the memo/notes section that it's for the Uganda mission trip and that you are a part of my team (Michelle Cook).  If you prefer to send a check, please make make it payable to Austin Christian Fellowship with a memo (Michelle Cook - Uganda), and send to the following address:
Austin Christian Fellowship
6401 River Place Blvd
Austin, TX  78730
Thank you so much for considering this.

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