
Thursday, March 08, 2012

Uganda in June, Part 1

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10:  "Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work:  If one falls down, his friend can help him up.  But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up."

August 14, 2009

Amdu was this precious boy that probably met everybody on our team.  He had an active mind, knew English quite well, and was so caring.  I was walking back from the recreation time and he walked by my side and asked if I was okay.  We chatted a little bit.  He met an English guy and a Canadian girl last year who taught in the village.  He wanted to be a doctor.  Kevin met him near the end of the day when Amdu wanted to make sure Kevin was okay after a ball hit him in the face.  When this occurred Kevin took off his glasses, looked at them, and put them back on when he was that they were fine.  Amdu insisted on looking at the spectacles himself and when he deemed them not to be broken, he gave the spectacles back to Kevin.  What an amazing child; already so grown up for his age!


For those who may not know, about three years ago I was in Uganda with Austin Christian Fellowship; it was their first mission trip to the country.  The experience broke me and built me up in so many ways, that I have been trying to get back ever since.  Unfortunately one thing or another had occurred in which I had not been able to go back, but finally, God has willed it and I am going.  This trip will be slightly different in which we will be doing some orphan care and light construction; as many know, I love getting my hands dirty!  I am asking you to join me in this journey through supporting my trip in a variety of different ways, whatever way you feel called to do.  The trip is from May 31st through June 14th.

1.  Prayer, and lots of it.  I have re-read my journal from 2009 and I have this feeling that God will break me and build me up again.  I will be sharing some of these intimate stories over the next few months.  Pray for me spiritually, emotionally, and physically.  Pray for our team; pray for our travels.  Just pray; God will guide you on the direction of your prayer.
2.  Encouragement.  While prayer is very intimate between you and God, encouragement helps me focus and grow in faith, something I sometimes lack.  I will waiver and doubt at times, and that is when I review the Ecclesiastes verse above.
3.  The trip costs $2,500 to go, and I'm looking for a team stateside to support me through prayer and financial means if you feel it in your heart to help support my trip financially.  Any and all support is tax deductible and you can send it online:  Any support is tax deductible and you can send it online: You will need to sign in, if it asks you for which campus, please check "Four Points," and please make sure you put in the memo/notes section that it's for the Uganda mission trip and that you are a part of my team (Michelle Cook). If you prefer to send a check, please make make it payable to Austin Christian Fellowship with a memo (Michelle Cook - Uganda), and send to the following address:

Austin Christian Fellowship
6401 River Place Blvd
Austin, TX 78730
I want to thank you for considering the above requests, and I will keep my blog updated as I move forward in going back to the country that I had fallen in love with three years ago.  Below is a picture of a Ugandan market that we passed one day while traveling to the villages.

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