
Tuesday, April 29, 2008

My Walking Maps

My Walking Maps is a really cool website in which you can track your walking/running routes around town! Check it out, it's super exciting! I mapped the 10K from this past weekend. Google sometimes messes up on this computer, so hopefully you can see the path clearly...


Anonymous said...

Wow, this is cool. I've started a Walk Across the USA using MapChannels, but it a large map. It's great to be able to see the smaller distances I walk, plus this gives me other options and mileage is included.

It's easy to just try a new route. I've already planned one for tomorrow. Thanks for the great link...........:)

Felicia said...

Cool like!! Thanks for sharing! Hope you are doing well!


Diana Swallow said...

great site! I like too, its so nice to see your accomplishment or goal on the screen