
Thursday, September 17, 2009

2009 Trans-Amazon Expedition

In September, expedition leader Joseph Hochman from Austin, Texas and his expedition partner, Timothy Hawkins, will embark across the South American continent on an ambitious descent of the Amazon River in a canoe. The trip will span three months and 2,500 miles through breathtaking rainforest ecosystems from Yurimaguas, Peru to the river's terminus in Belem, Brazil.

The expedition has a higher purpose than mere adventure travel. The team is collaborating with Rainforest Partnership, an Austin-based nonprofit dedicated to the cause of equatorial deforestation. Rainforest Partnership has an innovative approach in that it links deforestation's global impact on climate change to people who can help in local indigenous communities. The journey provides a personal account of a vibrant ecosystem facing these living, ongoing issues of human-environmental interactions.

Tim is a good friend of mine, and I am excited about this wonderful opportunity that he has. Joseph and Tim are tracking their trip through, and also maintain a group on Facebook. Please join them on their journey through the Amazon!

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